Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March 4, 2009

Welcome back to Wednesday...settle in.....pop some corn. Let's dim those lights.....it's time. Oh yeah....it's time...For The Frontier Anarchy Grappling Syndicate! We gots lots of A-#1 matches, and yarns to spin this week, so let's not waste time with all this idle talk. Let's go to the ring!

Our first match is a scheduled tag match between Rocky Sukiyaki & Buck Trundle and the team of Somebody's Thunder, Bronson Thunderhammer & Somebody's Dad. But...before the match, Blackjack Billy makes his way to the ring with Henderson Peavy & Monte Altazzar in tow.

"Before this match gets started, we are here to tell you that it ain't startin'...it's kinda finishin'...in a way. Could I have Knuck Finn & La Puta Negra out here please?"

What's going on? Is Blackjack changing the match? Let's listen...

"It's been a hell of a season so far...and it's drawing to a close. We've had high & lows, we seen stars made, and dreams broken. But...with all the drama & the spectacle aside...this is a business. It's about asses every 18 inches, at every show. It's about t-shirts, and action figures, and 8 dollar beers, and...it's about my golden Cadillac...and Henderson's golden Mo-Ped...and about how many diamonds I can adorn the handle of the hairbrush,that strokes my luxurious mane of hair every morning with. And, in these hard economic times, I need talent that's gonna pull their weight. Now some of you are hot...and some are not."

"Knuck Finn...I like ya'...but those fans out there...they don't love ya'. Not enough to buy a ticket anyways. Your record is dismal. Sorry, buddy...but...Henderson, tell the man..."

Henderson- "YOU'RE FIRED!"

"Rocky Sukiyaki...I like a good steaming dish of General Tso's chicken with a side of crab rangoons as much as the next guy. But you my friend...are like rotten sushi. You stink. You stunk up the joint all season long....when you were booked. I don't buy this "I had to train on a mountain top for weeks" bullshit that you been pushin' on us. You were just moonlighting at your Uncle's dry cleaning business. Not on my time, Junior! Maybe you should try a less rough sport...like ladies golf. Henderson my boy...?

Henderson- "YOU'RE FIRED!"

"Now then...Bronson Thunderhammer...You remind me of the foreskin of a giant cock. You're pretty much useless. You get all puffed up, and suddenly your head pops out, and spouts some bullshit, and then you retract back into obscurity. Well, tonight, I'm circumsizing this league of you, son...Henderson...?"

Henderson- "You're *SLAP*!...Oh my! Bronson Thunderhammer just bitchslapped Henderson Peavy across the face, sending him down on his skinny little ass!

Thunderhammer steps into Blackjack Billy's face and squares up nose to nose with the boss...

"Listen up, Blackjack...Nobody tells me when to come and go. I blow in like a cool breeze, daddy...and I slip out the back like I just left your old lady's room in the early morning light, while you where just coming home from work!"

Just then, Monte Altazzar blindsides Thunderhammer! *Bam*! The hall of famer put the boots to Thunderhammer, giving him some kicks, before Blackjack & Somebody's Dad seperate them.

"Nobody asked you what you thought, pusscakes! You wanna tussle? Then get some of the Champ! I'll make you famous Whimperscammer!", said Monte.

Blackjack took the mic & said, "Now, Monte...you're retired. I have a better idea. Fine. Thunderhammer...you still want to wrestle? Next week. You have a match with Serengeti Betty. The loser of that match...for the rest of the season...has to wrestle in a dress. Now, I really hope you win, because we know that Betty looks good in some couture! But, you? I think you're a little knock-kneed to pull it of! Don't cross the Boss, Son!"

"Now for the rest of you...y'all are gonna have a match...

Somebody's Dad VS La Puta Negra VS Buck Trundle...The winner of this three way dance will be deemed the #1 contender to the World Heavyweight Title, and wrestle the Champ next week! This will be your last chance to get a shot at that belt for the season! This is it! Do or die! The only way that you will have another chance would be to have the most points at the end of the season. But they may happen too! Y'all are ALL real close!

Good luck!

Monte...will you help Henderson up? Let's go. Thank you for your time, Ladies & Gents! Enjoy the show!"

So...our first match of the evening...

Buck Tundle VS La Puta Negra VS Somebody's Dad, for the #1 contender position! *The competitors all stare each other down, as they wait for the bell...*DING-DING*!

It was a tough fight, but La Puta Negra & Buck Trundle were put in timeout by that dastardly disiplinarian, Somebody's Dad at 10:56, with a pinfall on La Puta Negra, as Buck was incapacitated on the floor!

After the match, Bronson Thunderhammer came down to congratulate Somebody's Dad, with a 6 pack of Somebody's beer, and toasted his road back to the belt by tipping a few on the way to the locker room, laughing all the way.

Buck Trundle begins to argue with the ref, and gets in his face, grabbing him by the collar! His words are getting heated, as he hauls off and slaps him! Buck puts the ref in some sort of ankle lock, as he squeals in pain! Buck won't break it, as other refs and officials come down to try and get Buck to release the hold! Trundle goes bonkers, and starts slamming & suplexing ring attendants! Oh my! He even suplexed Dave Ken! Finally Buck kicks some chairs and tables over, and storms to the locker room!

Winner: Somebody's Dad

Up next is Captain Bitcheyes VS Serengeti Betty. Betty waits in the ring, filing her nails, as she waits for Bitcheyes to make a grand entrance...and he doesn't disappoint! "Jungle Love", by The Time, blasts through the P.A. as we see the Cap'n and Sally Fingerle make their way to the ring! Sally doesn't look to happy though, as Bitcheyes is dressed as Tarzan...and she is dressed up like a chimp! Sally holds the ropes open for the Cap'n, but he just pushes her aside, and climbs through, as she gets tangled up in them! He reaches in the hip pocket of his loin cloth, and pulls out a banana, offering it to Betty, who just rolls her eyes, and puts down her nail file, stretching out to wrestle.

It was a grueling contest, see-sawing back and forth. The Cap'n was acting like an ass the whole match...asking Betty for dates, and saying inappropriate things while locked up...but, Betty gave it right back in spades, with some wicked offense. In the end, Sally Fingerle nailed Serengeti Betty with a foriegn object when the ref wasn't looking, knocking her out. But, instead of going for a quick cover, the Cap'n began oogling the body of Betty. This caused a disgusted Sally Fingerle to kick the Cap'n in the balls! When the Cap'n doubled over in pain, and fell...he fell right on top of Betty, and the ref counted 3! Sally started to walk up the ramp...but then stopped, and came back to help her man, who was holding his bruised nuts in pain...but smiling a victorious grin on that ugly red haired mug!

"Chicks dig it when you treat 'em like shit...-n-shit!...heh-heh, mu'fucka'!"

Winner: Cap'n Bitcheyes

Our next bout is for the Intercontinational Title! It pits Koschei The Deathless VS Champion, Mick "Truck" Drivor. Koschei came to the ring looking very disheveled. He obviously hasn't shaven, and his hair was unkempt. The tights he was wearing looked old...and unwashed! Fans were trying to high five him, but he just snarled at them!

The match got under way, and the Truck tried to haul the load...but he was just spinning his wheels against the horsepower of Koschei The Deathless. Sometimes, a man goes places where there are no roads...or maps. That is where Koschei took Drivor. To the darkside...pinning him at 5:47! New Champion...Koschei The Deathless! After being awarded the belt, Koschei took it, and continued to beat on Mick "Truck" Drivor with it! He even bit his face, as the refs pulled him off! Clutching the title, he shuffled to the back, as fans recoiled from the angry giant!

Winner: Koschei The Deathless

The Syndicate Tag Team Titles are up for grabs in this next match...JoMax & JayBob, of Intensive Industries take on the champs...Carl Stonewall & the Bounty Hunter Buck Lawless! The challengers, J & J repel to the ring on grappling hooks as pyrotechnics blast away on the ramp! When they get to the ring, they both pull forward T-Shirt guns that were strapped to their backs, and fire them into the crowd! They are full of 20 dollar bills!

"hello good people!", they both say. "We want to take a moment to reveal the latest figures in the Frontier action line tonight, before this match, for you, the fans! It's The Carl Stonewall/Buck Lawless combo pack!". Assistants start handing out toys to the kids in the front row...

"You will have to excuse us, though. These are just the prototypes. There is a design flaw...we think. These figures appear to have been made anatomically correct. They have breasts & vaginas!"

With that, the champs rush them, and dipense violence to them like a pez dipenser dispenses sweet sweet squares of sugary goodness. The way Stonewall & Lawless twisted J & J's necks...they kinda looked like Pez dispensers! After the match, the champs argued about who had the more impressive moves, as they walked to the back...

Winners: Carl Stonewall & The Bounty Hunter Buck Lawless

Our main event this evening, is a match to contest the World Heavyweight Title! Rookie sensation, Kurt Murphy has climbed, clawed, and pulled his way back up the mountain, after losing the title last month, to become the #1 contender once again! He faces the champion...Weirdbeard! The crap flinging, chair swinging, son of a gun, who sits on the throne, as king of all fantasy pro rasslin'!

This match showcases the skills of both men, as they put a beating on each other that neither will forget for a long time! The 'Beard found out that this kid's skills were sharp as a razor, and Kurt cut down Weird at 10:22, making him a TWO TIME WORLD'S HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! Damn! Wrestlers, Agents, and even old Blackjack come down to congratulate Kurt Murphy!

Winner: Kurt Murphy

Weirdbeard slinks under the ring, as everyone celebrates, and grabs a bucket filled with what appears to be his "special brew". As he holds it, ready to douse the celebration in poo, more rasslers come out from the back and as they pass by Weirdbeard, they pat him on the back heartily, saying, "good match, 'Beard! You almost had him!". As they do this, Weirdbeard spills his bucket all down his own chest! Nasty! Well...he finally got to poop someone this season....too bad it was himself! *WAH-WAH!*

Well, that about raps up this weeks show! Tune in next week to see Somebody's Dad challenge Kurt Murphy for the World Title!

Also...Bronson Thunderhammer VS. Serengeti Betty...Loser wrestles the rest of the season in a dress!

All this and a whole lot more! Remember folks...there are only two weeks left! Who will be Wrestler Of The Year? A special announcement will be made next week! TUNE IN!


La Puta said...

Fuckin' Trundle, you's useless you stupid mufucker! I'd be expectin' Somebody's Dad to be "just restin' his eyes" durin' a match, but shit boy put in some fuckin' effort bitch. Shit. Koschei, If management deem it fit, I want my belt back you little bitch. Next week yo ass is MINE!

Koschei the Deathless said...


Mick Truck Drivor said...

Well it looks like I got a flat tire. But I will be up and runnin' again real quick. Cuz I dont ever stop just slow down a little for the rest stops. Buck Trundle-Bed you been out of control for a long while. Looks like I need to show you the end of the line! So next week I am gonna run you over! 18 Wheeler Fever...

Optimus Cryme said...

Shit yeah! Those twin turkeys got sent back to the henhouse, courtesy of me n' Buck - the greatest tag team EVER!

Well... okay, I'm awesome and he just rides my coattails. But I'm startin' to warm up to the guy. Who wants to take us on next week? We'll kick your asses too!

Captain Bitcheyes said...

Heh heh... oh shit! Who's left that hasn't been muthafuckin' FIRED?

Weirdbeard? You n' the Cap'n have had some differences in the past n' shit, but that ain't no reason two former WORLD CHAMPEEEENS can't team it up to go for some tag team gold! Heh heh... the Capn's used to treatin' bitches like shit, so with me on your side, there's no way Carla and Bucky can win!

Call me, baby. Let a brotha know.

Jo Max and Jay Bob said...

Ouch! Shameful brother! Shameful! Indeed!

Ah well, such is the life of the adventure-seeking playboy! Well done Carl and Lawless! We certainly hope you enjoy the action figures!

We don't hold the tag championship, all we have left is our youth, our stunning good looks, our mountains of currency, and a pile of beautiful naked women to rest our weary, bruised heads upon. Sorrow! Ha ha!

Knuck Finn said...

Ya know, ol' Knuck's taken his lumps but this takes the cake. I been kicked outta boxcars, alleys, barns, you name it, but I ain't never been kicked outta a job I been doin' honestly. Management. You can take your Frontier an' jam it up yer kootch. Sideways.

So I say fuck you. I'm gonna be yer Phantom of the Frontier, you ain't never gonna take a sip a coffee without wonderin' if ol' Knuck dropped a squirt a piss in it. You ain't never gonna eat a sandwhich from the cafeteria without wonderin' "did ol' Knuck gently place his scrotal sack on tha bun a this here sammich?". You ain't gonna have the luxury a usin' yer toothbrush without findin' a stray silver hair, all curly-like, nestled discreetly betwixt the bristles. Cuz I gon make it ma business to fuck with anythin' an' everythin' that has ta do witchou from here on out. Ol' Knuck's not afraid to sleep in a ventilation shaft for three days straight, pissin' inta a ziplock, jus to put a nice clump a my asshair on yer favorite comb in yer dressin' room. Or drop a load a knucklesauce into your face makeup before the big show. You ain't see the last a me, no sir. No you ain't.

Charles Danforth Minkey said...

Hey guys,

Wow, I can't believe the recession has affected Frontier Anarchy Grappling Syndicate and resulted in these layoffs. Times are tough for America. I'm feeling the crunch myself and I just hope that I'll still be able to be entertained by the fine wrestlers of this league.

Well, congratulations are again in order for Kurt Murphy. Two time World's Champion! Way to go, kid. It looks like Carl Stonewall was wrong; YOU'RE the future of this sport. Anybody who thought the first time was a fluke had better think again.

And now Somebody's Dad has another shot!?! That's the guy who ended Kurt's last title reign. Wow, it's really come full circle!

One last thing: There's two weeks left in the season? Wasn't there two weeks left last week? How many two weeks are left?

Dan Browning

Black Jack Billy said...

If you are as adept at hijinx and tom foolery as you are at wrestling, then we aren't to worried. Try not to slip on any banana peels and stab yourself in the eye with your own dick. we don't want any lawsuits...

Poppin Corn said...

So let's see ...

1) La Puta Negra vs Koschei for the Intercontiational Title
2) Mick Drivor vs. Buck Trundle
3) Bronson Thunderhammer vs. Serengetti Betty - loser must wear a dress for the remainder of the season (snicker)
4) Kurt Murphy vs. Somebody's Dad for the World's Title

5) Carl Stonewall & Buck Lawless vs. Captain Bitcheyes & Weirdbeard for the Syndicate Tag Titles?

Well, I hope Weirdbeard plans on accepting since there's nobody else on the roster for him to fight.

Henderson Peavy
Professional A-hole.

Knuck Finn said...

HEY! I deserve a little more respect than that! Shit, I may suck real bad at wrestlin'. I may be a laughin' stock! I may, well, les jus say I should retire. But shit, at the end o the day, I can say...

I ain't no Rocky Sukiyaki!!!

Jo Max and Jay Bob said...

Again, congratulations to Carl and Lawless, well met!

Mr. Blackjack, may we recommend a profitable solution to this issue regarding Mssrs. Sukiyaki and Finnigan? A profitable idea indeed.

Why let rotting apples wither on the branch when one can make perfectly good apple sauce, provided the correct ingredients? Quite.

We propose a final match between Knuck Finn and Rocky Sukiyaki to decide once and for all who is the quintessential loser of Frontier Anarchy. Perhaps "SHAME IN A CAGE", or "LOSER TAKES ALL!" best of three pinfalls, no interference, with the loser forever having his name associated with the purest essence of "losing".

For example, imagine if you would, future wrestlers saying "Wow, he really pulled a Sukiyaki tonight!" when an especially pathetic happening occurs in the ring. Or, if you will, "Man, that guy used to be great, but he sure turned out to be a Knuck Finn!".

Due to the ghastly state of our economy, we at Intensive Industries would be pleased to handle promotions for this event free of charge to yourself provided a 10% take of the gate, and three vending stands at our disposal. Take advantage of our offer! Don't pull a Finnegan on us! ;j

Black Jack Billy said...

Sounds good to me, boys! I like your style! A biggest loser match it is! Knuck VS. Suk! Promote away...just let me know when you want to hold it...this week or next...

WEIRD mufuckin BEARD!! said...

I have seen enemies make the best tag teams... somehow. Why not give it a try now?
Cap, I'm down! Let's us get some Tag Gold!

reginald said...

Hot Damn! The Cap'n -n- Weirdbeard?!? Bitches Beard! Oh shit! Out of sight, Daddy...Out of sight!

Captain Bitcheyes said...

Heh heh... that's right, muthafuckers! Now, everybody knows the Cap'n is into some jazz and likes to do a little bebop on skulls - and everbody knows about the special brew that Weirdbeard likes to mix up... so let's name this one after Miles muthafuckin' Davis and call it a BITCHES BREW!

BLAAOOWWW! Tag team gold n' shit.

Serengeti Betty said...

Mr. Board of Directors - be sure that dress is a slick little Channel. Bronson will look ravashing in something simple, classic, and elegant.

Kurt Murphy said...

the parabola of jesus teaches us to be strong in the lord and be as men and brothers be by being like true and everything and youll find glory in god and all and what i did was be in gods glory and be strong and fight the sinner Weirdo and cuz i quit smoking dubbies and sleeping with whores like sally cuz sally your a whore and i think igot something from you cuz the feds doc made me takes these pills and stuff for that itch since i done fucked you a lot but now im all for jesus and focuseing on being a rightious dude so my performing is improved and that dude spilled shit on him and not me cuz he is pushished for being a homo and losing but i got the win and we had bible study with rnr and those dudes totally learned to talk about the ways of goodness through learning and its helped me alot so when i wreste with someones dad i;ll be ready even though i lost last time i wresteled him cuz now i am stronger and hes like a dad and stuff so hes got other stuff going on! JESUS RULES!!!

Jesus the Christ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jesus the Christ said...

Hey thanks, Kurt. Footprints in the sand and whatnot.


The Bounty Hunter Buck Lawless said...

What the fuck is goin on in this fuckin leauge? Our opponents just keep gettin' more and more queer! Don't be gettin' any ideas Carla! Just keep that thick fuckin'Head in the match and we will show these Bitches what a real Tag Team champion looks like! Dont count your fuckin chicken before they are hatched. Or you just may get PLUCKED!

Easter Bonnie said...

Who am Ah fightin'? Dick Trickle? Truck Drivor? Ahhh shit, it don't matter none. Ah'll whup him and make mah damn way back to the top rung a the ladder a success in his here league. Bring it, kid. Ah'm lookin' fer a fight.

Bronson Thunderhammer said...

Loser wears a dress...you put me in a match up against a dame where the loser has to wear a dress. Wow, that's puttin' a lot on the line from Betty's side, ain't it? I ain't going to run from this stipulation, but I smell a set-up. Isn't the first time, won't be the last, let's just get it done.

Somebody's Dad said...

Buck Trundle, La Pootsta, hope a lesson is learned. Some of us speak on the boards, posturing and foaming at the mouth, and some of us just get the business done in the ring. Yap, yap, yap, little dogs. Somebody's Dad just picked you up by the scruff of your collars and threw your asses outside without a chew toy. Have fun whining and howling out there while I get my shot at the top once again.
Kurt Murphy...we find ourselves back where we were earlier in the season. Either way, after this match, nobody can say that you didn't earn your stripes this season. You've paid the dues that you've been asked to pay and you've got every reason to be proud of what you've accomplished. But you still gotta get past this old bastard and it's not like I'm gonna go easy on you. You haven't exactly earned Somebody's Admiration just yet, but I'm looking forward to getting the chance to knock your head around again.

And how about that Koschei? I know most of us had that guy pegged for a softy and look where he's at now! Good work there Koschei, keep beating them loudmouths down and out!

Easter Bonnie said...

In case yout didn't notice Dad, Ah spent mah time beatin' you fer the World's Title in addition to posturin' n' foamin' at the mouth all season. Ah'm purty good at multi-tasking. At least, that's what Somebody's Mom told me.

Anonymous said...

Huh?! What...the... fuck...bro? What is all of this stuff over here? Oh this is too sweet, bro. Bro is going to lose it when I show him this!

Somebody's Dad said...

The only thing I noticed, Mr. Trundle, was me winning that match we were just in. You're a class act, that's for sure. Trying to brag about a match you just lost to the guy who just beat you.

Easter Bonnie said...

Ah don't 'spect an old man like yerself ta remember somethin' that happened yesterday, but ya pinned La Puta in that there match. Didn't beat Buck. Never beat Buck. Ah'd like ta see ya try.

Bottom line is son, when yer rasslin' in a three-way-dance, ya owe yer victry to the other folks in the ring and dumb luck just as much as ya do to yer own skill.

Bein' an opportunist don't make you the man. Beatin' Buck Trundle does. Only a couple a folks can lay claim to that prize, and neither of 'em is named Somebody's Dad. You wanna go 'round this here mulberry bush, yer more'n welcome, but watch out for the thorns.

George Lucas said...

Jack Halen: AAAAAOOOOOHHH! Hey baby, we're back on the attack!

Tyler Van Leppard: That's right, Jack - and we're doin' it to it for the Good Lord! Our savior and Kurt's - I'm talking about Jay Cee - Jesus Christ!

JH: That's right baby, and we've been rockin' and rollin' all over God's green earth to spread His holy word. But now we're back in Frontier Anarchy to issue a challenge to some heathens!

TVL: You got that right, brother! This one is for Jay Bob and Jo Max!

JH: Yeah, we might not have the best track record in this league - heck, we haven't won a match!

TVL: But we have won a place in the Kingdom of Heaven and we're hoping to do the same for you!

JH: That's right, we wanna face you in a one-on-one match up... and the loser gets BAPTIZED!

TVL: Holy Blood, Holy Cross, Holy Water! Do you wanna get saved?

JH: The way I see it, we win no matter what!

TVL: Yeah baby!

JH: Praise Jesus!

Serengeti Betty said...

Having beaten Buck a few times myself, and having been beaten by Daddy, I'd have to say that Buck would lose that match-up, again.

Sorry Buck darling, but my money would be on Someone's Dad.

Serengeti Betty said...

Bronson those breasts of yours are going to look great in a dress! What size are you? A 42 DD?

Bronson Thunderhammer said...

Lady, the only thing you have to notice about my chest is when it's lying on top of you for the three count.

Serengeti Betty said...

You're gonna pin me with your tits?

Bronson Thunderhammer said...

That's for somebody to tell you about after the match. You'll probably be out cold when I pin you.

Serengeti Betty said...

When you pin me with your tits?

Bronson Thunderhammer said...

You're welcome. Try not to make your jungle bush too damp at the thought of it. Chimps may dig that shit but this ain't an episode of Wild Kingdom.

Easter Bonnie said...

Betty, Ah 'preciate yer input, but Ah already humiliated Somebody's Dad once. Like Ah said, Ah'd be glad ta do it again.

Now Bronson, here's a little bit of advice. Ah've faced Betty thrice now - once she let me be on top, but the other two times, she ended up mountin' me n' goin' fer a bit of a ride. She likes it rough buddy... ooooh boy does she ever! Now Ah understand she wants ya ta play a little dress-up? Hey, them psychologists can say what they want, but Ah still think it's funny. 'Course, with yer long hair maybe yer inta that sorta thing, Ah don't know... Ah'm ramblin'. Anyhow, good luck with all that.

Serengeti Betty said...

No its not an episode of Wild Kingdom, but it will be an episode of RuPaul's Drag Race once you're in that dress, showing some cleavage, flipping that luxurious, blond hair around.

Black Moses said...

That bitch ain't no jungle bush! I'd bet she's as dry and dangerous as her namesake. That's ok girl, you can just spit on it like a good ho!

Bronson Thunderhammer said...

Baby, I look good no matter what I'm wearing and I look even better once I take it all off. I'd invite you over for any kind of fashion show you'd like but I don't think your friends in the carpet maintenance industry would care for that too much. Can't have you lose your membership in that club just cuz I'm so damn awesome. I'm just not that cruel and your side needs every member it can keep. With manliness like me walking the earth, I feel sorry for how badly their ranks have dwindled.

Serengeti Betty said...

Oh no darling! Trannies like you keep dykes like us on on toes! You queens and your glam glam are such inspiration!

Bronson Thunderhammer said...

The clothes don't make the man, honey, and you haven't put me in that dress as of yet. Obviously you've got some issues and they're coming out in your nasty little fantasies. That's ok, I'm not here to judge. But I AM here to keep you on your knees, not your toes. It's where a little subservient girl like you belongs.

Asaka-Ho said...

It is with great humility that I inform you all most esteemed wrestlers and management that after the events of the past many weeks, the disappointment you know as Rocky Sukiyaki has been flown back to his ancestral home. There he will atone for his shamings and will never be able to rest for what he has done to his family heritage. I humbly apologize to you all and beg forgiveness from this institution Syndicate. Sayonara, bitches.

Serengeti Betty said...

You're talking about little girls on their knees and I'M the one with issues and nasty fantasies?

Sounds like you're projecting Bronson.

Bronson Thunderhammer said...

I am...I'm projecting a win next week in my match against your flat ass.

Serengeti Betty said...

And like your other projectables, it will fall short & miss its target.

Bronson Thunderhammer said...

Never when I'm hitting the barn side of a broad. Count on it.

RudySprayMore said...

Zing! Your ass just got schooled, Betty!

Knuck Finn said...

Looks like ol' Rocky pulled a Sukiyaki! Ha ha!!! I'm still gonna put excrementables in Blackjack's coffee!!!

Kurt Murphy said...

OH HECKS YES someones dad you are the numer one contempter so were gonna wrestle but i am gonna totally beat you dude cuz like now my skillz are mad sharp and your like not as fast and as good as me and its gonna bad 4 u in there cuz im so gonna whoop your butt liek i was the dad and you was the bad kid that stayed up past his curfew cuz he was stealing mad dog from the 711 and drinking it with his buddy down at the franklin bridge where that kid got killed a long time ago and is a ghost now and it is gonna be awsome cuz youll be like NO DONT GROUND ME and ill be like GROUNDED MOFO!!! YEAH!!!

Karl Neubuling said...


1) Carl Stonewall and "Bounty Hunter" Buck Lawless will continue their winning ways and defeat Captain Bitcheyes and Weirdbeard.

2) Koschei the Deathless will lose the Intercontinational Title to La Puta Negra.

3) Bronson Thunderhammer will wear a dress for the remainder of the season... so will Serengetti Betty.

4) Mick "Truck" Drivor will steamroll over Buck Trundle.

5) The Rock n' Roll Foundation will lose to Jay Bob and Jo Max.

6) Kurt Murphy will retain the World's Championship.